7 ways our home’s impact our wellbeing

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How much about how we feel, is shaped by our home’s?

Both financially and emotionally our home plays a significant role in our lives.

Sometimes it can only take a small thing to change the balance, for better or worse.

In this post we’ll explore the importance of a home in our daily lives and how they’re the foundations for a better life.

We’ve had to contend with general household costs soaring, significant increases in repair costs, and now mortgage payments increasing. It’s hard not to feel anxiety every time you walk through the front door.

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs he outlines two basic human needs that directly relate to our home. Physiological and Safety that represent that having a safe, secure place to live, and a stable income impact our quality of life.

In influencing our emotions, and providing a sense of stability, our home is a correlation of our mental and financial well-being.

Here are 7 areas our home influence us:

  1. Mental well-being

A well-maintained home provides a sense of security and stability that helps to foster a positive emotional state. A welcoming and clean environment promotes feelings of happiness, makes it easier to relax and feel contentment. 

On the other hand, a chaotic or uncomfortable living environment can contribute to stress, anxiety and negative emotions.

  1. Relationships

Our home serves as a backdrop for relationships and family life. It provides a space where we can connect, enjoy company and create lasting memories. A clean and cosy home can help facilitate quality time together, enhance relationships and a sense of belonging.

  1. Productivity and creativity

Our home’s physical space can provide an environment that influences our productivity and creative energies. An organised and clutter-free space can enhance focus and motivation. Additionally, an uncluttered home can stimulate innovative thinking and personal growth.

  1. Health and wellbeing

Factors such as air quality, natural light, noise levels and access to outside spaces can significantly impact our health, both mentally and physically. Speaking to a London estate agent this week, they believed having outside space increased a property’s sale price by 10%. A well-maintained and cared for home supports our well-being – providing a sanctuary for rest, relaxation, and self-care.

  1. Habits and Lifestyle

Our home shapes our daily routines, how we organise our time and activities. Studies have shown that a clean and tidy kitchen encourages us to eat less and be healthier in what we eat.

  1. Social 

Our home can provide a place that enables social interaction and hosting friends and family, building relationships with neighbours and a sense of community.

  1. Financial well-being

For many people, a home represents a significant financial asset. Our home’s are often the biggest expense, having a significant impact on our financial stability. It can impact our long-term financial wellbeing through factors like equity, mortgage payments and household expenses and repairs.

Do these resonate with you? What would you do to improve how your home helps your mental and financial wellbeing?
