7 ways our home’s impact our wellbeing

How much about how we feel, is shaped by our home’s? Both financially and emotionally our home plays a significant role in our lives. Sometimes it can only take a small thing to change the balance, for better or worse. In this post we’ll explore the importance of a home in our daily lives and […]

Why aren’t we better at maintaining our homes

When discussing our personal health most of us would have heard the Chinese proverb, ‘prevention is the best cure’. But how many of us would think the same for our home? As more of us turn to living healthier lives to help reduce issues – eating the right food, exercising and generally looking after our […]

It’s time to get serious about climate change

Its importance is there for all to see, but the positive narrative isn’t necessarily matched by action. In this post we’ll review three key areas: – Consistent government policy – Consumer education and behaviour – Financial incentives  If the government is serious about achieving Net Zero by 2050, it needs a clear, uncompromising framework to […]